The Best Pilar Cysts of 2019!

The Best Pilar Cysts of 2019!

Here they are, Popaholics! The best, the whole, the oozy, and the multiples, just for your viewing pleasure! My BOOK, Put Your Best Face Forward, is on sale NOW at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Audible, and Kindle. Or go to Go to to learn more and purchase from my skin care line. I […]
A Nice Whitehead on the Neck: OFFICE POP FLOP

A Nice Whitehead on the Neck: OFFICE POP FLOP

We want to show you everything that happens in the office, yes even the little things. Not all pops are big and require a splash mask and some are just not what we expected…these are the Office Pop Flops! A whitehead or a closed comedo (single for comedone), unlike a blackhead, is a completely blocked […]
A Man with a Plan & A Forehead Lipoma

A Man with a Plan & A Forehead Lipoma

Removing a forehead lipoma is no sweat for this proud father of 5 with a baby on the way! Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, […]
A Zero for Three Pilar Cyst Squeeze

A Zero for Three Pilar Cyst Squeeze

A Pilar Cyst, aka a trichilemmal cyst, an isthmus-catagen cyst, or a “wen”, looks identical on examination to the more common epidermoid cyst, except that 90% of them occur on the scalp. They tend to be more mobile and firmer than epidermoid cysts, and are derived from a different part of the hair follicle/skin. The […]
A Large Lipoma Excised on the Lower Back

A Large Lipoma Excised on the Lower Back

A lipoma is slow-growing, benign growth of fat cells. It is contained in a thin, fibrous capsule and found right under the skin. A lipoma is typically not tender and moves around easily with slight pressure. A lipoma is not cancerous and treatment generally is not necessary. There is also a condition called familial lipomatosus, […]
Excision of large lipoma on forearm

Excision of large lipoma on forearm

This guy was so patient waiting for me! I was running way behind on this day, and he was my last patient of the day. I think he waited almost 45 minutes for me, and when I saw him, I had enough time to only remove one of his lipomas. So I promised i would […]
Cyst on the back: Removal via punch excision

Cyst on the back: Removal via punch excision

This patient had a rash on his lower back that one of my physician assistants was treating. She brought me in to take a look, and I couldn’t help but notice this epidermoid cyst he had on his back. I asked him if he would like me to remove it for him, and if I […]