Ok the thumbnail images were absolutely disgusting (for whatever reason I can’t see pictures of genitals, much less infected genitals).

Today I will talk about what causes a yeast infections, signs of a yeast infections, how you can treat them, and prevention methods.

When you get a lot of itchyness down there, or if there is a lot of thick discharge then you may have some of the common symptoms of a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are caused by the yeast called candida, a type of fungus, which grows out of control. Normally you have a small amount of candida in the body but certain things throw your body out of balance which can cause a yeast infection so here are the causes of a yeast infection.
1. A course of antibiotics can cause a yeast infection because antibiotics kill off good bacteria as well as bad bacteria and the good bacteria down there is what keeps the yeast in check so when that’s all gone yeast has the chance to multiply and overgrow.
2. Pregnancy. Shifts in hormone levels can cause yeast infections and pregnancy is known to cause strong changes in your hormone levels.
3. Eating lots of sugary foods because sugar is a food and energy source for yeast.
4. Douching can disrupt the acidity level down there which can lead to more candida growth.
5. People who have uncontrolled diabetes since they may have more sugar in their blood which again is an energy source for yeast, and diabetes also creates complications like hindering your body to fight off infections.
Symptoms of a yeast infection include:
Itchyness around the genitals
Thick white or grayish white discharge
And pain during sex
Yeast infections are common in girls, but sometimes men can get them too but its more rare.
If you suspect you have a yeast infection you can visit a doctor for an exam and medication so they can rule out other possible causes.
A lot of girls can get repeat yeast infections too so whenever you recognize one, there are ways you can treat them at home. Yeast infections are usually harmless other than the discomfort and itchying and rarely cause serious health problems. If your yeast infection is very mild, you can also try waiting until you get your period because sometimes your period will clear up the yeast infection and you won’t need medication.
Here are some ways you can treat a yeast infection at home if you aren’t pregnant and if you have already been diagnosed with yeast infections before.
1. There are over the counter anti-fungal creams or suppositories that you can buy to treat yeast infections. Make sure you follow the directions on the package.
While you are using those creams avoid having sex during treatment. The cream medication works best if it stays in place so having sex can push out the medication and your treatment may not be as effective, and there is also a small chance of passing a yeast infection to your partner.
2. Using probiotic Lactobacillus pills.
You can insert a pill 1-2 times daily up to 3 months and supplement with eating a lot of yogurt, but try to buy the kind that isn’t loaded with sugar.
Remember only use treat at home methods if you’ve been diagnosed with a yeast infection in the past, and you recognize that symptoms and know it isn’t some other type of infection.
So after you get your yeast infection cured and out of the way, or you haven’t had one before here are ways you can prevent yourself from getting a yeast infection:
1. Always wipe from front to back, this helps in preventing not only yeast infections but other infections too like UTI.
2. Change out of a wet bathing suit or other damp clothing as quickly as possible because moist warm environments promote yeast growth.
3. Wear cotton underwear and avoid wearing really tight clothing that traps heat and moisture.
4. Don’t douche
5 Eat probiotic foods like yogurt but eat a plain kind and swirl some raw honey and fresh fruit in as a sweetener if plain yogurt is too gross for you to eat.
6. Avoid sitting around in hot tubs
If you keep getting infections and treatment doesn’t work then return to your doctor. Some people have recurring yeast infections which means you get more than 4 per year and you may require a more aggressive prescription of anti fungal medications to finally kill off the yeast infection.

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