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So we all know that everybody poops, but do you ever freak out sometimes if it looks different or doesn’t seem normal?
I know it’s kind of gross but poop actually says a lot about your health and surprisingly a lot of people don’t really know what’s healthy and what isn’t.
So I’ll talk about the colors first,
First you have a typical chocolate brown color so most people assume this is normal and they’re right Brown is normal so you’re pretty healthy if your poop is brown all around.
Poop can also be a red color and you might have seen this happen but don’t freak out, red could just mean that you ate too many red foods earlier, or theres some bleeding going on in the lower GI. If you know it’s not food, it could indicate something like hemorrhoids , but to be sure it’s best to see a doctor.
The next color is Green, and it could indicate harmless things like you ate too many green veggies, or maybe you’re on antibiotics. If youre not on either of those then you should visit a doctor because it could mean you’re having undigested bile or chrohn’s disease.
Poop can be yellow and a yellowish color again could be caused by eating too many orange foods like carrots or lots of sweet potatoes. If that isn’t the case it’s a sign that your gallbladder is having problems.
If the color is white then it could either mean you took a lot of anti-acids so hey it’s not that bad. If you didn’t take any then there could be something wrong with your liver or pancreas .
If it’s black then it could mean you ate a lot of iron and that turns your poop black and really dark, but if you are seeing a lot of black and it happens a few times then I really suggest you visit your doctor to get it checked out because it could mean that you are bleeding near your stomach or your small intestines.
So the colors can really show the health of your body as a whole and tell you what you’ve been eating too much of.
Now I’ll talk about the shapes.
The ideal poop should be shaped like a sausage or a snake and you shouldn’t be breaking a sweat on the toilet when you have to go.
A lot of people could be constipated and not know it because maybe the shape is right, but if your poop is all hard and cracked, it means either you are dehydrated, or you need just a little bit more fiber in your diet.
If it looks like little pebbles then you’re super constipated which means you should eat a lot more fiber. Instead of eating that slice of pizza with breadsticks, you could just choose a salad on the side instead for that extra fiber without sacrificing your love of pizza. Pretty much any leafy greens, fruits, and whole grains will give you more fiber, and you should probably try to drink a few more glasses of water a day to see if that helps.
If you notice that your poop is super thin almost like a pencil then it could mean there’s some blockage going on in your intestine. You should book an appointment with your doctor right away if you notice this.
If it’s all liquidy and too soft like diarreah then it means you either had a strong increase in fiber, you ate something bad, or you’re sick. In this case, just keep drinking extra water to stay hydrated and if you can find the cause like too much fiber, or a certain foods that caused it, then you should decrease the amount of fiber you’re eating or avoid the foods that trigger diarrhea. If you’re sick then just rest and of course if nothing helps then see a doctor!
If your poop floats and smells funkier than usual, it could mean your body isn’t absorbing all the nutrients from your food, so it could be a health issue or it could be that you ate a really high fat meal a day ago and your body just can’t break down all that fat.
So to keep yourself as healthy as possible you want to try to make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. The general rule is girls need about 8 or 9 cups of water a day and guys need about 13 cups a day. Of course it’s best to listen to your body and if you feel thirsty or you’re sweating a lot you should drink more water.
A healthy amount of fiber for girls is 25mg a day and 38 mg a day for men. I know it seems like a lot, but if you just made sure to add something fiber rich in all your meals and snacks each day, then it really adds up quick. Think of foods like veges, beans, fruits, and swap the white breads with a whole grain choice. If you’re just starting out with adding more fiber to your diet, its best to start off slow and eat more high fiber foods as your body gets used to it or you might give yourself diarrhea.

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