Taking notice of your pee can give you some helpful insight on your health. Although you won’t be able to get an official diagnosis from just looking at your pee, there are certain signs that will indicate whether your body is having some trouble. Doctors often order a urine test right away because so much can be found out about the state of your body just from your pee! From the frequency, to the foamyness of your pee, I’m going to tell you what your pee means by informing you of the 5 changes in your pee you should look for..
1. Dark Yellow Pee
Dark yellow pee means you are dehydrated, simple as that. However if you are dehydrated on a regular basis, you can increase your chances of getting bladder infections later on. When your body is dehydrated, your bladder will start conserving fluids so your pee gets concentrated, and all the waste chemicals stay lingering against the walls of your bladder longer. Your pee color should be light yellow to almost clear.
2. Red or Blood in pee
This is not normal, and you should get yourself to a doctor as soon as possible if you ever pee red. There could be a kidney infection, trauma, and lots of other causes that only a doctor can diagnose. Hopefully, this hasn’t happened or isn’t happening to you.
3. Your Pee Stinks
Sometimes the foods you eat can cause your pee to smell bad. However, if it smells really foul like ammonia it could indicate that you have kidney stones or an infection. Pee that smells sweet could be a sign of diabetes because of the sugars in your blood that your body can’t break down. True fact: Did you know that doctors used to taste people’s urine to diagnose diabetes? I’m so thankful for the medical advancements and tests we have today.
4. How many times you go to the bathroom
The average amount of times people use the bathroom is 6-8 times a day and it can differ depending on how much you drink. When you feel like you need to go all the time for no particular reason, you could have an overactive bladder, a UTI, Interstitial Cystitis which is inflammation of the bladder, diabetes, or prostate enlargement for the guys. If you hold your pee in a lot or nothing is coming out that could mean there’s blockage or infection. It is unhealthy to hold in your pee because eventually your bladder can stretch out so much that it won’t be able to shrink back to a normal size and you’ll have problems emptying out your bladder in the future.
5. Foamy Pee
Use your best judgement to see whether it’s really your pee being really foamy or you just peed really hard that it hits the toilet water and gets bubbly. Foamy pee could mean that there are proteins in your pee when normally you shouldn’t have proteins in there because your kidney should be filtering them out. If you think you have foamy pee, see a doctor to determine if you have anything going on with your kidneys.
I hope that you learned a little more about yourself and your pee. If none of these really apply to your pee and bathroom habits, then that’s actually really good because you’re probably really healthy! These are signs to look for in your pee to kind of monitor your kidney and bladder health. Any weird changes should be bought up to your doctor or clinician, and don’t try to self diagnose yourself. These are just changes you should look out for to tell you hey, it’s time to visit the doctor.

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BANISH ACNE SCARS FAQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6hh6zA_w0U
HOW TO GET RID OF STRETCH MARKS AND CELLULITE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wJPo7jjaww
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Truth about being beautiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac3PqAdrphs
I’m Not Good Enough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwnixw8aq5Q

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