we are never ever getting back together

and you run away!

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Q: My boyfriend & I have been together for 9 months. In the beginning of our relationship, everything was great. He treated me with nothing but love, affection, and kindness. He was so sweet. Things slowly started to change after we moved in together, which as much as I hate to admit it, I think has a lot to do with our problems. But, moving on…we began fighting a lot towards the end of the summer and into the fall. We were fighting every day. He was verbally abusive. He even hit me, more than once. On thanksgiving, he punched me in the eye. He has anger issues, but its no excuse. I forgave him, but it still haunts me sometimes about what he did, and sometimes I fear he will do it again. For the past few weeks, though, things have improved. He’s been trying to be a better boyfriend. But, yesterday, and today, we have argued, and he’s been so mean. It’s gotta be his way or no way. He got so angry at me today just because I didn’t wanna sit around & watch him play call of duty. Like, I just don’t know what to do. Should I stay? Should I go home, and risk him ignoring me calls and texts like he used to, or our relationship ending because I’m not there anymore? I love him so much, but I feel so confused, and trapped

A: Um you need to move out & move on. Who care if he ignores you? YOU DON’T NEED HIM. Why would u stay in a relationship like that, do u think u don’t deserve better? You need to look at the big picture and think if he’s doing this in the first year imagine how much worse and more controlling he’ll get..


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