VOTE FOR ME! Business Plan Competition

This is what inspired me to enter the business plan competition. I get so many comments from my acne skincare video from subscribers telling them IVE CHANGED THEIR LIFE. I can’t tell you NOTHING makes me happier than knowing I have helped someone out there. Each and every one of us deserves to look beautiful!

Hi, I am entering a business plan competition. My business plan is to give women a one stop shop for finding a beauty product that is perfect for her. I was inspired by my Youtube channel and all my subscribers who have been thanking me for my advice I give to my viewers.

This is really out of my passion for makeup and wanting to change women’s lives. I want to give each and every woman access to the information and social network of finding out what product works for her.

Thank so much to all my subscribers, wouldn’t be able to do it without y’all!



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