Today I will talk about Urinary Tract Infections aka UTI’s and what it is, common symptoms of a uti, the causes, as well as tips on preventing a UTI.
A UTI is an infection of the urinary tract system which involves the urethra where you pee, the bladder, and kidneys. Mild urinary tract infections are located by the urethra and bladder, but when the infection starts moving up toward your kidneys then it becomes more serious.
Urinary tract infections are actually extremely common and it’s the second most common infection next to respiratory infections. Girls tend to get UTI’s more often than guys because girls have a shorter urethra than guys so bacteria has a shorter distance to travel up to the bladder.
If you have any of these symptoms then you should see a doctor as soon as you can for a possible UTI.
Symptoms for a lower urinary tract infection include:
Burning or pain during urination
Feeling the need to pee a lot without actually having to pee.
Cloudy or bad smelling pee
A feeling of pressure where your bladder is or pain
A mild fever between 99-100 degrees but some people may not have a fever.
Usually a UTI will start off with those symptoms but sometimes the infection can spread to the kidneys and if you have a kidney infection then symptoms may include:
Higher fever
Pain near your back or side around where your kidneys are located
If you notice any one of these upper urinary tract infection symtoms, go to a doctor that same day or visit an er or urgent care center because kidney infections should be taken very seriously. Most healthy people won’t get a kidney infection, but just in case I want you guys to be able to recognize the signs.
So what causes a UTI?
UTIs are usually caused by the bacteria E. Coli and that bacteria is found around the butt, but if the bacteria travels to where you pee then it can move up the urethra and cause an infection.
Poor hygiene or intercourse are main causes of UTI’s and the bacteria causes an infection once it moves up the urethra and settles into the bladder.
UTI’s can be diagnosed with a urine test at your doctor’s office or at a hospital and treatment is usually an antibiotic that will be able to kill off the E. Coli bacteria in your body. During treatment listen to your doctor’s directions and drink lots and lots of water during treatment. Next I’ll give you tips to stop getting UTI’s
Tips to prevent UTI’s
1. Wipe front to back to avoid bringing bacteria toward your urethra.
2. Whenever you have sex, go use the bathroom and pee shortly after sex to help flush out any bacteria in your urethra.
3. Spermacides or diaphragm methods of birth control increase your chances of getting a UTI so consider other possible birth control methods.
4. Some doctors recommend taking an antibiotic after sex if you are prone to getting UTI’s but a study showed that taking at least 500mg of cranberry extract was just as effective as the antibiotic dose. Antibiotics aren’t the greatest thing for you in the long run because they can cause yeast infections or resistant bacteria strains so If cranberry works for you as a preventive method then I suggest you stick with that, or you can drink pure cranberry juice if you can find it, not the sweetened juice cocktail stuff. Cranberries can prevent UTI’s because they keep E Coli from sticking to the walls of your bladder.
5. Don’t hold in your pee and drink plenty of water. Holding in your pee gives any bacteria more time to multiply.
I hope this information about UTI’s can help you better be prepared to know when to see a doctor if you show any symptoms and help you prevent them from occurring

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