Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back
Here’s my patients two months after her surgery! She had a bump on her upper back that she hated. It was an epidermoid cyst, which is a benign growth that can grow to a large size, just under the skin surface. Cysts like this don’t need to be removed, but they can get inflamed and infected and if this happens, the cyst becomes an abscess that gets swollen and very painful. If a cyst becomes an abscess, antibiotics are usually required, and often an I & D (incision and drainage) needs to be performed to relieve some of the pain and pressure.
For this patient, this cyst has been squeezed before and possibly inflamed in the past. There is scar tissue in the area so it was impossible to remove the entire cyst and cyst wall intact. However, I was able to remove the cyst entirely, while keeping the incision line as short as possible. I’m very happy with the results, but most importantly, SHE is happy.
Thank you for watching!
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