Update: Results after removing this bump 5 months ago

Sorry, I accidentally deleted this video from my youtube yesterday.

This patient has a seborrheic keratosis, aka a “wisdom spot” on her left cheek. These are benign growths, but people don’t like the appearance of them so they often request removal. The most common method of removal is probably treatment with liquid nitrogen spray. However, in this situation, I felt the best treatment was to curette the growth off. Seborrheic keratosis grow on the surface of the skin, so to people that have them, they are actually tempted themselves to “pick them off”, which I don’t advise as this would be painful and increase risk of infection. However, in this way, in the medical office, they can be gently scraped off the surface of the skin with a curette. I locally anesthetize the area first before performing the procedure. I saw her this week, about 5 months after the procedure, and it looks great!

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