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Today I will tell you all about toe fungus , how you can tell if you have any toe fungus and ways you can naturally treat and prevent it.

Toenail fungus is caused by an infection with a fungus like yeast or some other fungus and it starts off as a little bit of yellow or white right under the tip of your toenail. Your toenails are more susceptible to a fungus infection when you injure the nails around your toes or when you walk around barefoot in damp or public areas like a public shower at a park, beach, or pool.
You can tell if you have toenail fungus if your nail starts changing into a weird color like yellow or green and your toenails will start to get thicker and really hard to cut. As the infection continues your nail can get a raggedy edged look to them and if it gets really really bad your toe nails will become brittle and start falling off. Toenail fungal infections can be transferred from person to person too so don’t share any of your shoes, toe nail clippers or filers with anyone.
Toenail fungus can lead to unsightly feet especially during the spring and summertime but the sooner you spot it, the faster you can treat your nails and get them back into a healthy and better looking state.
Here are 3 ways you can naturally treat your toenail fungus
1. The best oil you can use to treat toenail fungus is Tamanu oil mixed with a little bit of tea tree oil, but just the Tamanu oil itself is enough. Apply the oil to the affected area twice a day for as long as you need until the nail is clear from all signs of fungus. Since the fungus grows under your nail, you want to try to get the oil to reach under your nail too.
2. You can try using grapeseed oil. Massage the oil into your nails daily for as long as you need it until the fungus dies off.
3. Oil of oregano is also potent against toe nail fungus. Oil of oregano can be really strong if you have sensitive skin so add just 2-3 drops of oil of oregano to equal parts of olive oil if you need to dilute it and apply it into your nail 2 to 3 times a day everyday.
Toenail Fungus can take a long time to treat and you should try to keep the affected nails as short as possible. Even after you think the fungus is gone, you should continue treating it for another month just in case there’s a little left that you can’t see and it grows back.

To prevent toe fungus from infecting you again, you should wash all of your socks in hot soapy water to kill the fungus, and you should spray the inside of all your shoes with an anti-fungal spray.
You might be tempted to wear nail polish over your infected toe nail but you really shouldn’t because it will just suffocate your toe nails and cause the fungus to grow at an even faster rate. Try to let your feet air out whenever you can and keep them dry, and don’t walk around barefoot because your feet can pick up other fungus from the floor.


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