TBT: Cyst excision on Upper back with overlying tattoo: An update

It’s Throwback Thursday, and on this day I wanted to re-introduce one of my most favorite cyst excisions.

It’s one of my favorites for a few reason… 1. He’s a really nice guy and I can’t believe he walked around with this large cyst on his upper back for so long, so it was really gratifying to remove it for him. 2. The cyst extraction itself was AMAZING, as you can see. 3. His tattoo overlying the cyst presented a little of a challenge. I wanted to remove the epidermoid cyst in it’s entirety without compromising his tattoo.

Some viewers have asked why I didn’t place my incision line directly next to and parallel to the tattoo lines.. well this would actually distort the line of the tattoo, pulling it towards the incision line and creating a curve in what is supposed to be a straight tattoo line. Therefore, I opted to place the incision in a 90 degree angle to the tattoo, and I made sure to meet up the tattoo line edges when I sutured the edges of the wound closed. When it fully heals, I think it will be tough to see any cyst had ever been there in the first place.
Here you can see before and after pics, and some of the great highlights from this case!

Thank you SO much for watching!!

@DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops
@DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops

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