Solar Comedones

Solar Comedones

Hey everyone, hope you all had a Happy New Year! We have a special guest back with us, hope you can guess who it is! We did just record this today and was able to edit it in time for you all tonight. Thank you for all of your support and love and never giving […]
Extracting solar comedones, blackheads around the eyes

Extracting solar comedones, blackheads around the eyes

A blackhead is also called an open comedo (single for comedone), and it is a clogged pore in the skin that is open to the air. Keratin (skin protein) and sebum (oil) combine to block the pore. They are often found on the face and trunk. but they can be found anywhere on the body. […]
Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar comedones are open and closed comedones, aka blackhead and whiteheads, but these are not seen in teenagers, as a part of acne that is most common in this age group. Solar comedones are blackheads and whiteheads that occur later in life (usually seen in people in their 50s and higher), due to chronic cumulative […]
Some stubborn milia

Some stubborn milia

Initially, I thought these bumps lateral to this patient’s left eye were solar comedones due to their location and his history of chronic sun exposure. However, the bumps extracted were pearly, slightly firm tiny cysts, so I believe they were milia. Milia are very superficial cysts which commonly occur on the face, in particular around […]