How Acne Affected my Life

How Acne Affected my Life

Acne sucks, that is the truth. But having acne for me both has a negative and positive impact in my life, yes there’s a positive side to it too! 🙂 I hope you will pick up a thing or two on how to stay positive and see the light while curing acne. Other videos to […]
7 Tips On How To Stop Obsessing Over Acne

7 Tips On How To Stop Obsessing Over Acne

Acne can be a debilitating skin condition. It can affect not just our physical appearance but our emotions and self esteem as well. In this video, Kali Kushner shares with you 7 tips on how you can stop obsessing or fussing over acne. Tip #1 : Do Not Run To The Mirror Checking yourself in […]