Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

This lovely patient of mind has a lipoma on the right Inguinal area (right inner thigh right at the crease). She was told my her primary care doc that this is a benign growth (which is correct) and that it didn’t need to be removed. However, she hates that the lump is visible when she […]
Results after Rhinophyma Treatment, Mr Gold

Results after Rhinophyma Treatment, Mr Gold

Oops! I meant to publish this tomorrow, but I guess I’ll let it go since this is a continuation of the video I published earlier today! I’ll put up the thumbnail Monday, and if you need more information about this procedure please see the descriptions from the previous videos! Thank you for watching! To see […]
Solar comedones extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar comedones extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

This patient’s wife saw me today, for her general body skin exam. As they were leaving, she showed me a couple spots he had, and I couldn’t help but notice the large solar comedones that he had around his eyes. He let me remove them, and his wife was happy that I did! Solar comedones […]
Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar comedones are open and closed comedones, aka blackhead and whiteheads, but these are not seen in teenagers, as a part of acne that is most common in this age group. Solar comedones are blackheads and whiteheads that occur later in life (usually seen in people in their 50s and higher), due to chronic cumulative […]