Update: Results after removing this bump 5 months ago

Update: Results after removing this bump 5 months ago

Sorry, I accidentally deleted this video from my youtube yesterday. This patient has a seborrheic keratosis, aka a “wisdom spot” on her left cheek. These are benign growths, but people don’t like the appearance of them so they often request removal. The most common method of removal is probably treatment with liquid nitrogen spray. However, […]
Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back

Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back

Here’s my patients two months after her surgery! She had a bump on her upper back that she hated. It was an epidermoid cyst, which is a benign growth that can grow to a large size, just under the skin surface. Cysts like this don’t need to be removed, but they can get inflamed and […]
Winners of #ExtractionReaction contest!!

Winners of #ExtractionReaction contest!!

Instead of three winners, I chose SIX winners, since there were so many great entries! I will Direct Message all five winners on Instagram, to get their contact information. You will be the FIRST SIX in the world to receive a DrPimplePopper Comedone Extractor. Thank you so much for being such devoted followers, I appreciate […]