Results after Rhinophyma Treatment, Mr Gold

Results after Rhinophyma Treatment, Mr Gold

Oops! I meant to publish this tomorrow, but I guess I’ll let it go since this is a continuation of the video I published earlier today! I’ll put up the thumbnail Monday, and if you need more information about this procedure please see the descriptions from the previous videos! Thank you for watching! To see […]
Laser treatment for brown spots, part 2

Laser treatment for brown spots, part 2

This patient you have seen before, she had prominent brown spots called Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPNs) on her cheeks which made her feel older. They were treated quite successfully with the Iriderm Laser with is a 532 nm laser. When treated, the brown spots implode, making a popping sound. Very effective treatment for these types […]
Epidermoid cyst excision on the cheek

Epidermoid cyst excision on the cheek

This is a lovely patient of mine, who recently completed chemotherapy and radiation treatments due to breast cancer. She noticed this lump on her cheek that has grown quite rapidly in the last year. I don’t think this cyst appearance or growth is directly related to her recent breast cancer diagnosis or treatment, but I […]
Punch excision of a cyst on the armpit

Punch excision of a cyst on the armpit

This patient has an epidermoid cyst (aka a sebaceous cyst) on her right axilla/armpit. A little local anesthesia was placed before a punch biopsy tool was used to allow me to express the cyst contents and remove the entire sac. As you know, these growths are benign and don’t need to be removed for any […]