A new case. This is a teenager (17 years) with a comedogenic acne accompanied by some cysts and small milia. Fortunately, he only needs a couple of sessions in a row, and some facial once or twice a year. He is a really wonderful guy. Thanks for watching! Music: 1. “Long Road Ahead”; 2. “Angevin”; […]
Second part of the seventh session. Thanks again for all your support and consideration! Music; Mariage d´Amour (Wedding of Love) _ Paul de Senneville. Performed by Gene Akimoff Serenade _Shubert. Performed by Olive Musique source
Una limpieza facial profunda exige la extracción de todo tipo de impurezas, y acumulaciones de sebo en el interior del folículo pilosebáceo. Esta es una pequeña demostración del procedimiento más común, así como el menos agresivo para la piel. SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fSU8ub source
Unfortunately, due to the Covid19 restrictions, we had to stop Happy’s treatment. Therefore, the maintenance sessions could not be done and as a consequence, the condition of his skin has suffered a setback. That is the reason why we will have to return almost to the starting point. I hope we can see him smile […]
La extracción de pequeños quistes de milium, o “perlas” como yo los llamo, son unos de los servicios más satisfactorios y agradecidos que una esteticista pueda ofrecer. Si se hace con cuidado, la piel apenas reacciona, y en un par de horas casi no queda rastro de las “micro-intervenciones”. source
Extraction of sebaceous filaments in highly dehydrated skin and great capillary fragility. Music from https://www.audioblocks.com/ 1. jdi-csharp-min-movie-pianotheme-032314-26 2. Ave-maria_fkyGMkHd 3.Take A Moment v2 by Keith Anthony Holden source
This is the second part of the fourth session. Look at the left cheek compared to the first session (Video # 1). Music from https://www.audioblocks.com/ 1. The Emerald Waltz by Neil Cross 2. Casta Diva from Norma_ G1vlukHO And from https://musopen.org/music/ 3. – Mariage d’amour (Wedding of Love) – Paul De Senneville – performed by […]