6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

Hi, guys! It’s Becca here (aka prettyin_pcos) on Instagram! I wanted to share with you guys today 6 skincare myths or saying that you might think is true up until today, so let’s debunk them! 1. “People think you get acne because you don’t wash your face” – if we get a dollar every time […]
Balance your Hormones Naturally (Acne & Skincare Q&A)

Balance your Hormones Naturally (Acne & Skincare Q&A)

We’re doing a Q and A type of video today! Some of you guys sent me questions through comments and DMs and I gathered some of it today and I will be answering the top 10 skincare and acne frequently asked questions I get!? In this video, I’ll be answering these interesting inquiries: 1. How […]
How to Use the Banish Scarring and Active Acne Kit

How to Use the Banish Scarring and Active Acne Kit

Your battle with acne, pimples and acne scars will soon be over with the Scarring and Active Acne Kit. We put a premium on the all-natural ingredients which these products are made of. Freshly-made products, above-standard manufacturing, and excellent customer service keep the quality of Banish intact. Get your Banish Scarring and Active Acne Kit […]
One Month After Going Vegan: My Skin’s Breaking Out!

One Month After Going Vegan: My Skin’s Breaking Out!

Hey, guys! It’s Kali aka @myfacestory on Instagram! Join me on a chatty, honest update how going vegan affected my energy level, lifestlye and my skin! I decided to go vegan few months back and here are my pros and cons! FOLLOW: Kali’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfacestory/ Banish Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/banishacnescars/ Banish Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/banishbeauty Where to buy Banish: […]