Three milia extracted on the face

Three milia extracted on the face

This lovely woman was the last patient of the day for me. She had three bumps on her face that she wanted removed if possible. Although, she didn’t know about my youtube channel or instagram, she is a “popaholic”, meaning, she loves to pop her own blackheads and whiteheads. Well, she couldn’t remove these areas, […]
Some stubborn milia

Some stubborn milia

Initially, I thought these bumps lateral to this patient’s left eye were solar comedones due to their location and his history of chronic sun exposure. However, the bumps extracted were pearly, slightly firm tiny cysts, so I believe they were milia. Milia are very superficial cysts which commonly occur on the face, in particular around […]
Milia around the mouth that were stubborn!

Milia around the mouth that were stubborn!

This woman came with her daughter for cosmetic treatments, but I noticed some small blackheads on the left side of her lip. When I pointed them out to her she stretched the skin of her left lip to show me she had some pretty big milia on the left side of her lip that she […]
The difference between blackheads & milia

The difference between blackheads & milia

Do you know the difference between a blackhead and a milia? Blackheads and whiteheads are also known as open and closed comedones. They are dilated pores that are plugged with keratin. Whiteheads are closed, meaning there is skin covering the comedone. Blackheads are open, exposed to air. Air oxidizes the keratin, causing it to turn […]
Milia or Pearls?

Milia or Pearls?

Milia are formed when keratin (a substance produced by the skin) becomes entrapped beneath the outer layer of the skin, forming a tiny cyst. Its pearly appearance is unmistakable, which distinguishes them from simple whiteheads or closed comedones. Primary or secondary milia in an adult may disappear on their own, but if not, your electrologist […]