Removing a wart & extracting milia

Removing a wart & extracting milia

You may remember this sweet woman in her 90’s by her earrings! She has health insurance but it’s a managed care consortium, and so they won’t remove areas or treat areas on her skin that are not “medically necessary”. So, she comes to see me to remove various benign bumps on her, I charge her […]
Extracting a Milia under the eye

Extracting a Milia under the eye

This patient came in for me to treat her mild psoriasis, which is why you see some redness and skin flaking on her eyebrows and scalp. She also has these white bumps which she tried to squeeze but couldn’t remove. Instagram: @DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops @DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops Facebook: Dr […]