Blackheads, more like keratin plugs, plucked from the nose

Blackheads, more like keratin plugs, plucked from the nose

This is the patient you have seen last week, who had a scar/mole removed from her chin, and during that visit, I treat to extract blackheads from her nose, but they were extremely stubborn. So, this time, I used forceps/ tweezers to pluck the keratin filaments which very pretty adherent to the nose, and many […]
Excision of abdominal lipoma #1: For medical education- NSFE.

Excision of abdominal lipoma #1: For medical education- NSFE.

For medical education- NSFE. Here is Part I of two Parts: Excising two lipomas on the abdomen. This woman was so sweet, just a little frightened, not of the procedure, but because she wasn’t sure what was under her skin. Good news is, that they are likely benign lipomas (clonal collection of fat cells), but […]
Lipoma on the wrist, excised. For medical education- NSFE.

Lipoma on the wrist, excised. For medical education- NSFE.

For medical education- NSFE. She loves getting her nails done, her beautiful rings and fancy watches and bangles, but has had to deal with this large lipoma on her left wrist for many years. She was told that she would have to go under general anesthesia to remove the area and since she lives alone, […]