Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back

Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back

Here’s my patients two months after her surgery! She had a bump on her upper back that she hated. It was an epidermoid cyst, which is a benign growth that can grow to a large size, just under the skin surface. Cysts like this don’t need to be removed, but they can get inflamed and […]
The Lipoma that Must Not Be Named: With Dr Pimple Potter 😜

The Lipoma that Must Not Be Named: With Dr Pimple Potter 😜

A lipoma is slow-growing, benign growth of fat cells. It is contained in a thin, fibrous capsule and found right under the skin. A lipoma is typically not tender and moves around easily with slight pressure. A lipoma is not cancerous and treatment generally is not necessary. There is also a condition called familial lipomatosus, […]
Large Lipoma on the Posterior Neck

Large Lipoma on the Posterior Neck

This patient came in with his whole family. He is not a popaholic, but his wife and some of his kids are. They travelled from a distance to see me. He is a sweet man, quiet and I think a little nervous, but he did great! So tolerant of our talkativeness! hehe He looks great […]