
東京皮膚のできものと粉瘤クリニック ふるばやし形成外科新宿院 大阪梅田形成外科クリニック ブログでも詳しく解説してます。  頭部の粉瘤  くりぬき法 本日より東京でも診療を開始しました。

A Single, Noticeable Lipoma on Forearm

A Single, Noticeable Lipoma on Forearm

A lipoma is slow-growing, benign growth of fat cells. It is contained in a thin, fibrous capsule and found right under the skin. A lipoma is typically not tender and moves around easily with slight pressure. A lipoma is not cancerous and treatment generally is not necessary. There is also a condition called familial lipomatosus, […]
Removing a scar/ mole from the chin.

Removing a scar/ mole from the chin.

This patient is the same person with the stubborn blackhead/keratin plug extractions on the nose, just recently posted. THIS is the reason that she came to see me in the first place. She has had a mole on her chin, that was treated with a laser many years ago. She doesn’t like the appearance of […]