Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back

Update: Two months after cyst removal on the upper back

Here’s my patients two months after her surgery! She had a bump on her upper back that she hated. It was an epidermoid cyst, which is a benign growth that can grow to a large size, just under the skin surface. Cysts like this don’t need to be removed, but they can get inflamed and […]
The difference between blackheads & milia

The difference between blackheads & milia

Do you know the difference between a blackhead and a milia? Blackheads and whiteheads are also known as open and closed comedones. They are dilated pores that are plugged with keratin. Whiteheads are closed, meaning there is skin covering the comedone. Blackheads are open, exposed to air. Air oxidizes the keratin, causing it to turn […]
Three patients, with their comedones. For medical education

Three patients, with their comedones. For medical education

Here are three patients I saw today, all with comedones to extract. In patient 2 I use very sharp serrated scissors. I use this instrument commonly on the eyelid or within the orbital rim of the eye. This is because in this area, there is no bone under the skin to press a comedone extractor […]
Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

This lovely patient of mind has a lipoma on the right Inguinal area (right inner thigh right at the crease). She was told my her primary care doc that this is a benign growth (which is correct) and that it didn’t need to be removed. However, she hates that the lump is visible when she […]