Removing Ingrown Hairs Before Electrolysis Session

Removing Ingrown Hairs Before Electrolysis Session

This young woman has been suffering because of ingrown hair on the bikini line for years. Miraculously, the lesions produced by the hair (furuncles) hardly have left permanent scars. Fortunately, she has decided to solve this problem with Electrolysis. However, before beginning permanent hair removal, all trapped hairs need to be removed. Only in this […]
Releasing an Ingrown Hair.

Releasing an Ingrown Hair.

Sometimes dead skin can clog up a hair follicle. That forces the hair inside it to grow sideways under the skin, rather than upward and outward. Ingrown hairs are not serious. In fact, often an ingrown hair will go away on its own. If it doesn’t go away, can become infected, permanently darken the skin, […]