Solar comedones extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar comedones extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

This patient’s wife saw me today, for her general body skin exam. As they were leaving, she showed me a couple spots he had, and I couldn’t help but notice the large solar comedones that he had around his eyes. He let me remove them, and his wife was happy that I did! Solar comedones […]
Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar comedones are open and closed comedones, aka blackhead and whiteheads, but these are not seen in teenagers, as a part of acne that is most common in this age group. Solar comedones are blackheads and whiteheads that occur later in life (usually seen in people in their 50s and higher), due to chronic cumulative […]
Some stubborn milia

Some stubborn milia

Initially, I thought these bumps lateral to this patient’s left eye were solar comedones due to their location and his history of chronic sun exposure. However, the bumps extracted were pearly, slightly firm tiny cysts, so I believe they were milia. Milia are very superficial cysts which commonly occur on the face, in particular around […]
The difference between blackheads & milia

The difference between blackheads & milia

Do you know the difference between a blackhead and a milia? Blackheads and whiteheads are also known as open and closed comedones. They are dilated pores that are plugged with keratin. Whiteheads are closed, meaning there is skin covering the comedone. Blackheads are open, exposed to air. Air oxidizes the keratin, causing it to turn […]
Three little blackheads. For medical education- NSFE

Three little blackheads. For medical education- NSFE

This patient has 3 blackheads that I extracted, with two of them under his right eye. I put a little numbing in the area, and this can often create a visible bruise in the area that is difficult to avoid, because this is the thinnest skin on the body, so it is pretty translucent and […]
Three patients, with their comedones. For medical education

Three patients, with their comedones. For medical education

Here are three patients I saw today, all with comedones to extract. In patient 2 I use very sharp serrated scissors. I use this instrument commonly on the eyelid or within the orbital rim of the eye. This is because in this area, there is no bone under the skin to press a comedone extractor […]