Excision of abdominal lipoma #1: For medical education- NSFE.

Excision of abdominal lipoma #1: For medical education- NSFE.

For medical education- NSFE. Here is Part I of two Parts: Excising two lipomas on the abdomen. This woman was so sweet, just a little frightened, not of the procedure, but because she wasn’t sure what was under her skin. Good news is, that they are likely benign lipomas (clonal collection of fat cells), but […]
Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

This lovely patient of mind has a lipoma on the right Inguinal area (right inner thigh right at the crease). She was told my her primary care doc that this is a benign growth (which is correct) and that it didn’t need to be removed. However, she hates that the lump is visible when she […]