10 DISGUSTING dr. pimple popper moments that made us SHUDDER! – Part 32 Today we’re looking at 10 DISGUSTING dr. pimple popper moments that made us SHUDDER! – Part 32 Make sure to leave a like … Admin January 3, 2022 14 0
Dr. Lee Squeezes Black Gunk Out Of A Patient’s Chest I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups When Dr. Sandra Lee squeezes a cyst on patient Victor’s chest, she describes the liquid that comes out as looking like mud! Admin December 18, 2021 9 0
Dr. Lee Tackles ENORMOUS Heart-Shaped Lipoma I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Sandra Lee attempts to remove a massive heart-shaped lipoma from the middle of patient Barb’s back. Catch full episodes … Admin December 12, 2021 55 0
Dr. Lee Removes Multiple Cysts In Very Painful Surgery! I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Patient Nicole has between 50 and 80 cysts on her neck, and Dr. Sandra Lee wants to help her by removing as many as possible, … Admin December 5, 2021 15 0
Dr. Lee Removes Multiple Cysts In Very Painful Surgery! I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Patient Nicole has between 50 and 80 cysts on her neck, and Dr. Sandra Lee wants to help her by removing as many as possible, … Admin December 5, 2021 8 0
Dr. Lee Removes Lump That Looks Like Third Testicle! I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Sandra Lee removes a lump from patient Ravon’s leg that just so happens to look like a third testicle! Catch full episodes of … Admin November 28, 2021 7 0
Dr. Lee Removes The BIGGEST Cyst She Has Ever Seen! I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Sandra Lee faces the biggest cyst she has ever popped on patient Ronen’s leg – which he’s had for 37 years! Catch full … Admin November 21, 2021 5 0
A CYST pop out of my body because of KETO! Hi my name is Miryam Buchahim, I’m a certified fitness trainer and nutrition coach. i created this channel because I want to help as many people possible to feel … Admin March 15, 2021 85 0
"Try The Grey Stuff, It's Delicious!" | Dr. Pimple Popper: This Is Zit “Larry the Lump” is a huge cyst on this man’s chest. Dr Lee squeezes out the grey gunk from inside, and cuts out the cyst wall to … Admin April 23, 2020 18 0
"It's Like Ground Beans!" | Dr. Pimple Popper This mother and daughter each have a lump that they’ve been living with for years, and they’ve finally decided to go to Dr Lee for … Admin February 11, 2020 28 0