Removing a probable “traumatic lipoma” on the forehead

Removing a probable “traumatic lipoma” on the forehead

This patient is the same person who had the brown bumps, aka dermatosis papulosa nigra, on her cheeks and neck, removed with laser treatment with the Iriderm laser. She also came to see me for this bump on her forehead which is not painful, but the appearance really bothers her. It is very mobile, and […]
Lipoma excision on the Right Forehead: Dr Pimple Popper

Lipoma excision on the Right Forehead: Dr Pimple Popper

Really sweet guy accompanied by his popaholic girlfriend who travelled from Northern California to see me! He didn’t know about Dr Pimple Popper, but many of his friends approached him and told him that DrPP needs to get rid of this bump on his head. Great guy and wonderful girlfriend. You should marry her! ? […]
Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar Comedones Extracted, aka Favre Racouchot

Solar comedones are open and closed comedones, aka blackhead and whiteheads, but these are not seen in teenagers, as a part of acne that is most common in this age group. Solar comedones are blackheads and whiteheads that occur later in life (usually seen in people in their 50s and higher), due to chronic cumulative […]
Can you guess this BUMP Diagnosis?!

Can you guess this BUMP Diagnosis?!

I’m not sure what happened, but most of the microscopic pathology to accompany this video is not here! If you would like to see what this growth looked like under the microscope, please click this link: Thank you for watching!! Subscribe to my Dermatology educational channel, Dr Pimple Popper University! Link is here: To […]
Treating frown lines / glabella area

Treating frown lines / glabella area

Botox Cosmetic is a injectable, used in small amounts to locally and temporarily prevent specific muscles from moving. The active ingredient is botulinum toxin, which is a byproduct of a bacteria. This byproduct happens to temporarily prevent a muscle from moving. Botox works extremely well to minimize frown/furrow lines and this is where it is […]
How Wrinkles Form & How to Prevent Them | PERFECT BEAUTY

How Wrinkles Form & How to Prevent Them | PERFECT BEAUTY

****READ ME**** GIVEAWAY (0.25 mm roller kit) RULES: 1)Like this video 2)Comment below 3)follow banishacnescars and daiserz89 on instagram 4) repost banishacnescars’ before/after picture and hashtag #banishacnescars 5) share this video on Google Plus! Winner will be announced on instagram in one month! Sept 22nd 2014 Purchase dermaroller for wrinkles: Shop online: […]