5 Mistakes that Make your Acne Worse

5 Mistakes that Make your Acne Worse

So excited about this video today because I have for you 5 common mistakes that make your acne worse! These are steps or things that you may not be aware of but trust me, you will see a world of a difference if you apply these to your routine – I know cause I learned […]
6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

Hi, guys! It’s Becca here (aka prettyin_pcos) on Instagram! I wanted to share with you guys today 6 skincare myths or saying that you might think is true up until today, so let’s debunk them! 1. “People think you get acne because you don’t wash your face” – if we get a dollar every time […]