6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

Hi, guys! It’s Becca here (aka prettyin_pcos) on Instagram! I wanted to share with you guys today 6 skincare myths or saying that you might think is true up until today, so let’s debunk them! 1. “People think you get acne because you don’t wash your face” – if we get a dollar every time […]
Removing a probable “traumatic lipoma” on the forehead

Removing a probable “traumatic lipoma” on the forehead

This patient is the same person who had the brown bumps, aka dermatosis papulosa nigra, on her cheeks and neck, removed with laser treatment with the Iriderm laser. She also came to see me for this bump on her forehead which is not painful, but the appearance really bothers her. It is very mobile, and […]
Blackheads, more like keratin plugs, plucked from the nose

Blackheads, more like keratin plugs, plucked from the nose

This is the patient you have seen last week, who had a scar/mole removed from her chin, and during that visit, I treat to extract blackheads from her nose, but they were extremely stubborn. So, this time, I used forceps/ tweezers to pluck the keratin filaments which very pretty adherent to the nose, and many […]
Excision of a pilomatricoma behind the knee

Excision of a pilomatricoma behind the knee

This patient has a pilomatricoma, aka a calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe, which is commonly a solitary but mobile growth under the skin which is most often confused to be an epidermoid cyst. These are benign growths, not painful or uncomfortable. I was suspicious it was a pilomatricoma when I removed it because of it’s firmness, […]