Electrolysis Cases:  Before & After

Electrolysis Cases: Before & After

Music :Coldplay Viva La Vida string quartet instrumental cover. Cover arranged by sebsalva, rearranged by Robert Blahusek and performed by Aristo Quartet – string quartet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmaN_qglNpo http://aristoquartet.cz https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3sFQVzJ8a9RqS4gHH8jHqg Thanks to all my clients who have had faith and trust of electrolysis and who have agreed to share their photos, restoring hope to those who had […]
Removing Male Facial Hair – Hair REDUCTION in the BEARD.

Removing Male Facial Hair – Hair REDUCTION in the BEARD.

There are several reasons why a man decides to reduce the number of hairs growing in his beard. 1) The irritation caused by shaving. 2) The dermatitis that appears if the individual keeps the hairs growing for numerous days. 3) Distorted hairs make shaving difficult. 4) The grey colour that darkens the skin giving the […]
Cómo calcular el tiempo total de tratamiento (TTT)

Cómo calcular el tiempo total de tratamiento (TTT)

Una de las preguntas frecuentes más difíciles de satisfacer que nos plantea el cliente es: “¿Cuánto tiempo necesito para verme libre de los pelos?”. Por lo general, la respuesta que recibe suele ser vaga e imprecisa porque existen muchos factores que quedan fuera del control del especialista, y que no vamos a enumerar aquí para […]