The Blackhead Narwhal

This lovely patient of mine had blackheads that were shooting out like narwhal horns! I think you’ll all enjoy these forehead blackheads! ?❤️ Blackheads are something we are all familiar with, but did you know they are also called open comedones? Blackheads are usually caused by a pore that gets clogged with keratin (skin protein) […]

The “I Said WHAT?!?!” Pilar Cyst

Sometimes you say weird things in the middle of surgery, even when filming an internationally aired TV show ?Thankfully I have my girls, Val & Kristy to call me out hehe A pilar cyst, also known as a trichilemmal or isthmus-catagen cyst, is a benign (non-life-threatening) growth that, upon examination, looks identical to the more […]

Good Eats & Popcorn Lipomas

How many of you can eat and watch a good pop? ??‍♀️Some days it’s all we can talk about… hungry? This patient has the cutest little popcorn lipomas! We were all super hungry and could only talk about food during this procedure – including the patient! Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. […]

The Cyst Bomb

Call me Dr. Pimple Popper aka McGuyver! This cyst was like disarming a bomb… it was a juicy one! At first I was convinced it was …

The Cyst Bomb

Call me Dr. Pimple Popper aka McGuyver! This cyst was like disarming a bomb… it was a juicy one! At first I was convinced it was a lipoma BUT it’s actually a …

A Lipoma with Nerve!

This lipoma was out to cause trouble for my sweet patient – she had some sharp pains during surgery which was wild because a lipoma is a fat cell. Those rascal lipomas…. Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a […]

A Bossy 6 Year Old Lipoma

This lipoma is very full of itself and acts like it wants to call the shots. Pretty bossy for a 6 year old! Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not […]

A Bossy 6 Year Old Lipoma

This lipoma is very full of itself and acts like it wants to call the shots. Pretty bossy for a 6 year old! Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of …