School Secrets & Steatocystomas

Sharing some teacher secrets, while popping steatocystomas! Thank you to all the teachers out there for ALL that you do!! ❤️? Steatocystoma multiplex is a condition where multiple slow-growing cysts appear, usually during puberty, on the body. They occur most commonly on the chest, armpits, and neck. These can get quite large in size, but […]

The Serpent Lipoma

I thought this lipoma would pop right out, but boy was I wrong! It just kept slithering its way back in! ?? If an area of the skin this size needs to be locally anesthetized it’s common to use the “tumescent technique” which is the same way I numb people when I perform body liposuction. […]

The Serpent Lipoma

I thought this lipoma would pop right out, but boy was I wrong! It just kept slithering its way back in! If an area of the skin this size needs to be locally …

A Crepe Paper Pilar Cyst

Need some crepe paper? This cyst has quite the stash! Pilar cysts are kinda like a party – and this one brought it’s own streamers! A pilar cyst, also known as a …

A Crepe Paper Pilar Cyst

Need some crepe paper? This cyst has quite the stash! Pilar cysts are kinda like a party – and this one brought it’s own streamers! A pilar cyst, also known as a trichilemmal or isthmus-catagen cyst, is a benign (non-life-threatening) growth that, upon examination, looks identical to the more common epidermoid cyst, except that 90% […]

Swappin’ Stories & Poppin’ Comedones

Nothing better than sharing stories with patients! Do you have a wisdom tooth story?? SLMD Skincare: Go to to learn more and purchase from my skin care line. To buy your own Official Dr. Pimple Popper Comedone Extractor and/or Tweezers click here: Join the Ultimate Popaholic Community with All Access Pass! Enjoy weekly […]