0 09:35 Patient Cries With Joy As Dr. Lee Comforts Her Ahead Of Surgery I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Lee talks to an emotional patient ahead of surgery on a huge lump on her head. From season 2 episode 7. Catch full … Admin February 6, 2022 8 0
0 09:53 Huge Lump On Patient’s Neck Stops Him Breathing At Night I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Lee removes a lump on this patient’s neck which stops him being able to breathe when he sleeps at night. From season 2 … Admin January 23, 2022 17 0
0 08:59 Dr. Lee Removes A Nipple From This Patient’s Forehead! I Dr. Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Sandra Lee gets to work removing what she describes as a “nipple” from patient Felicia’s forehead. From season 2 episode 4. Admin January 16, 2022 43 0
0 Dr. Lee Helps Teenager With 'Cutest' Keloids She's Ever Seen | Dr Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Sandra Lee helps teenager Taylore overcome one of her biggest insecurities, the ‘elf-like’ keloids on both of her ears. Admin January 10, 2022 13 0
0 09:55 Dr. Lee Helps Teenager With 'Cutest' Keloids She's Ever Seen | Dr Pimple Popper: Pop Ups Dr. Sandra Lee helps teenager Taylore overcome one of her biggest insecurities, the ‘elf-like’ keloids on both of her ears. Admin January 10, 2022 8 0