infected back inclusion cyst Discount Code: DRER10 First Geyser of Pus: Admin February 12, 2020 18 0
Bursitis Cortisone Treatment (Bonus Video) With Dr. ER Testimonial! #Bursitis #Cortisone #Treatment #Bonus #Video #Testimonial Admin February 16, 2018 1 0
ganglion cyst drainage here we talk about ganglion cysts of the wrist as well as show the drainage of one using simple incision and drainage. Admin November 17, 2017 16 0
World’s Largest Abscess, Cyst Popping? What is it? Pick up Meta-Seven on Amazon: Teeth Whitening Pens on Amazon: In this video we show Dr. ER treating what appears to be a large infection. This… Admin November 6, 2017 46 0
growth on back of neck gets drained this ended up being a not very satisfying procedure. I was not able to remove the inflammed area as intended. Admin September 23, 2017 11 0
large abscess of the thigh Get RESTMORE here: Finally a GOOD quality drainage of a large thigh infection. In this video, you will … Admin June 6, 2017 4 0
Infected Cyst Popping & Worst Infections on YouTube Check out RESTMORE for better sleep: This video may contain images of a medical doctor providing emergency care for a patient. Dental cleaning tools: Admin February 5, 2017 138 0
Popping Finger Cyst? Emergency Room Footage! Check out RESTMORE for better sleep: This video may contain images of a medical doctor providing emergency care for a … Admin November 12, 2016 37 0
an abscess inside the ear? this patient presented with a painful mass inside of the ear canal that had grown over 5 day period. On the day of presentation he … Admin July 2, 2016 19 0
MOST pus I have ever drained!!! Try RESTMORE and get better sleep: MOST pus I have ever drained!!! Is a drainage of a large … Admin May 5, 2015 45 0