One Big Blackhead, aka Dilated Pore of Winer

One Big Blackhead, aka Dilated Pore of Winer

This patient saw my husband, Dr Jeff Rebish, for a general skin exam, and Dr Rebish noticed this large blackhead on his lower back. The patient was aware there was a bump there, didn’t know what it was, but he was happy to know that it could be easily removed rather quickly. And, he was […]
Two small Dilated Pore of Winers on the face

Two small Dilated Pore of Winers on the face

This woman also has dermatosis papulosa nigra on her cheeks, which are the dark brown to black spots on her face. These don’t bother her (and they shouldn’t because they are benign), but her two large blackheads DO, and she asked me if I could remove them for her. She was so kind to allow […]