Blackheads,Whiteheads Exraction/ Daryl

Blackheads,Whiteheads Exraction/ Daryl

Hello My Beautiful YouTube Family! I want to start by apologizing to many of you for not answering your questions that you have taken the time to ask or even commenting back on your kind words. But to be perfectly honest I am so swamped that I just have not had the time. I am […]
Dilated Pore Of Winer Extraction (Oversized Blackhead)

Dilated Pore Of Winer Extraction (Oversized Blackhead)

Hello YouTube Family! This is just a very short video that I recorded at the last minute of a good friend of mine who I happened to ask if he wanted me to look at anything he may be concerned about. Well, here it is a over sized “BLACKHEAD”….Dilated Pore Of Winer In all reality […]