Carmen hates her cankles!

Carmen hates her cankles!

Carmen is a 30-something mom and former ad exec who wants to fix her chubby ankles, or cankles so she can show off her new shoes and wear short dresses with confidence. Dr. Sandra Lee will fix Carmen’s cancels with her “Cankles Be Gone” procedure which takes just an hour. source
Cankles Be Gone!  Dr. Sandra Lee to fix a woman’s chubby ankles.

Cankles Be Gone! Dr. Sandra Lee to fix a woman’s chubby ankles.

Cankles – chubby, out-of -proportion ankles can play havoc with a woman’s self-esteem, not to mention her wardrobe choices. Carmen is a 30-something mom who wishes she could show off her new shoes and wear shorter skirts – things she avoids because of her chubby ankles.. Dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee says her “Cankles Be Gone” […]