Two “Cysts” Calcinosis Cutis

Two “Cysts” Calcinosis Cutis

This is a young man who had this strange, white, firm bumps, like white marbles under the skin surface. So I excised one of them and sent the tissue for pathology. Results came back as Calcinosis Cutis This results from deposits of calcium and phosphorus in the skin. There are four forms of calcinosis cutis. […]
Excision of a pilomatricoma behind the knee

Excision of a pilomatricoma behind the knee

This patient has a pilomatricoma, aka a calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe, which is commonly a solitary but mobile growth under the skin which is most often confused to be an epidermoid cyst. These are benign growths, not painful or uncomfortable. I was suspicious it was a pilomatricoma when I removed it because of it’s firmness, […]