Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

Excision of a lipoma on the inguinal area

This lovely patient of mind has a lipoma on the right Inguinal area (right inner thigh right at the crease). She was told my her primary care doc that this is a benign growth (which is correct) and that it didn’t need to be removed. However, she hates that the lump is visible when she […]
Excision of a pilomatricoma behind the knee

Excision of a pilomatricoma behind the knee

This patient has a pilomatricoma, aka a calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe, which is commonly a solitary but mobile growth under the skin which is most often confused to be an epidermoid cyst. These are benign growths, not painful or uncomfortable. I was suspicious it was a pilomatricoma when I removed it because of it’s firmness, […]
Draining & treating a Myxoid Cyst

Draining & treating a Myxoid Cyst

A myxoid cyst, or digital mucous cyst, is actually not a true cyst, so it’s also called a pseudocyst. They are growths that most often occur on the top (dorsal) part of the finger or toe, just behind the base of the nail. They are kind of translucent/see-through, round, and slightly compressible. They are due […]
Three milia extracted on the face

Three milia extracted on the face

This lovely woman was the last patient of the day for me. She had three bumps on her face that she wanted removed if possible. Although, she didn’t know about my youtube channel or instagram, she is a “popaholic”, meaning, she loves to pop her own blackheads and whiteheads. Well, she couldn’t remove these areas, […]