Face Mist: Most Underrated Acne Product

Face Mist: Most Underrated Acne Product

It’s Elizabeth here or @prettyprogress23 at Insta! 😉 A lot of you might overlook the importance of facial sprays or face mist products! I feel like it’s one of the most underrated skincare product! It’s much more than just fancy water in a bottle 😛 Different skincare brands offer a variety of skin mist, each […]
At Home Scar Treatment that Works FINALLY!

At Home Scar Treatment that Works FINALLY!

Hey Guys! It’s Brandon here and I want to share with you how I’ve been getting rid of my acne scarring and hyperpigmentation at home. If you follow me on Insta and YouTube (@brandonmarshall 😉) you probably know that I’ve been using Banish Skincare to help with my scars and post acne marks – I […]
6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

6 Skincare Mistakes Revealed by an Esthetician

Hi, guys! It’s Becca here (aka prettyin_pcos) on Instagram! I wanted to share with you guys today 6 skincare myths or saying that you might think is true up until today, so let’s debunk them! 1. “People think you get acne because you don’t wash your face” – if we get a dollar every time […]
10 Tips to Prevent Breakouts while Travelling

10 Tips to Prevent Breakouts while Travelling

Ever notice that our skin tends to break out more when we travel or go on vacations? Like, it’s one of the least ideal time for a new pimple to pop up, but that pimple just don’t care! 😫 Today, we will be sharing why we breakout during trips, travels, and vacation and 10 tips […]
My Favorite Face Mask!

My Favorite Face Mask!

Holy Grail Sheet Mask: Best way to treat acne skin best way to soothe acne prone skin Best way to treat acne skin best way to heal acne scars These face masks are the best for treating dry skin, acne prone skin, whatever! They are so cool and moisturizing, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM! Here is […]