How Acne Affected my Life

How Acne Affected my Life

Acne sucks, that is the truth. But having acne for me both has a negative and positive impact in my life, yes there’s a positive side to it too! 🙂 I hope you will pick up a thing or two on how to stay positive and see the light while curing acne. Other videos to […]
7 Tips On How To Stop Obsessing Over Acne

7 Tips On How To Stop Obsessing Over Acne

Acne can be a debilitating skin condition. It can affect not just our physical appearance but our emotions and self esteem as well. In this video, Kali Kushner shares with you 7 tips on how you can stop obsessing or fussing over acne. Tip #1 : Do Not Run To The Mirror Checking yourself in […]
The Emotional Effects Of Acne

The Emotional Effects Of Acne

In this video, Jess Bunty discusses acne and the emotional effects it imposes on an individual acne sufferer. She also shares her own experience/acne journey. Along with this, she also shares some tips on how to deal with the emotional effects acne can bring about.The relationship between the severity of acne and emotional distress is […]