0 03:17 #13 Pull Out Beard, Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #Beard #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin December 9, 2015 7 0
0 03:07 #02 Pull Out Beard, Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #Beard #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin May 28, 2015 22 0
0 05:00 #4 Plucking Tiny Hairs On Nose Close up(engineer PT16) | 鼻の産毛をピンセットで抜く #Plucking #Tiny #Hairs #Nose #Close #upengineer #PT16 #鼻の産毛をピンセットで抜く Admin November 3, 2016 2 0
0 03:31 #12 Pull Out Beard, Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #Beard #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin November 7, 2015 9 0
0 03:08 #01 Pull Out Beard, Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #Beard #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin May 25, 2015 2 0
0 04:17 #21 Pull Out Beard(Viewpoint of Pores), Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #BeardViewpoint #Pores #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin October 8, 2016 17 0
0 03:16 #11 Pull Out Beard, Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #Beard #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin October 24, 2015 7 0
0 03:51 #20 Pull Out Beard(Viewpoint of Pores) Blackhead and Hair Root(Root Sheath) Close up #Pull #BeardViewpoint #Pores #Blackhead #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #Close Admin September 9, 2016 4 0
0 03:02 #10 Pull Out Beard, Hair Root(Root Sheath) – High Speed #Pull #Beard #Hair #RootRoot #Sheath #High #Speed Admin September 14, 2015 10 0
0 04:28 Observed at 500X(Blackheads,Whiteheads,Pores,Beard,Scalp,Blood vessel) #Observed #500XBlackheadsWhiteheadsPoresBeardScalpBlood #vessel Admin August 10, 2016 4 0