Small cyst, previously inflamed and squeezed, excised completely

This lovely woman came to see me because she hated this noticeable bump on her forehead which she knew to be a cyst, since she has squeezed it in the past. I excised it today, but since it has been manipulated in the past, this may increase the chances that the cyst reoccurs, but there is scar tissue in the area, and this can cause a cyst to me multiloculated, meaning that the cyst has been partially evacuated, and has reformed not just as one single sac but now smaller multiple and/or asymmetric sacs. In this instance, it’s more difficult for me to guarantee complete removal and nonrecurrance, because it’s harder to confirm that the entire epidermoid cyst was removed. If even a small fragment of cyst sac remains, this is an opportunity for the cyst to reform and grow back. Fingers are crossed!

Thank you for watching!!

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