Punch excision of a neck cyst. For medical education- NSFE.

For medical education- NSFE. So I removed this cyst from that back of this man’s neck today. I numbed the area up with lidocaine before doing this procedure. I also used a marker to mark the outside border of the cyst, because when the numbing medication can distort/swell the area, making it more difficult to determine where the cyst is. This cyst was difficult to remove with it’s sac intact. If a cyst has been squeezed multiple times, especially if it has been inflamed/infected or partially removed in the past, there is fibrous tissue/scarring present, and it’s hard to cut through this tissue to get to the cyst. When you hear the snipping of my tissue scissors, you know that the tissue is thick and fibrous and difficult to dissect.
However, I think I got it all and put a couple stitches in that will come out in 10 or so days. Enjoy!


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