Mohs Surgery on the nose: Part 1 of 2, Taking Mohs Layers

Mohs Micrographic Skin Cancer Surgery is a specialized technique, designed to remove skin cancers, most commonly basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, removing as little normal tissue as possible with the lowest rate of reoccurrence.
We most commonly use this technique on the face, since we want to remove as little normal tissue as possible, so that the resulting scar will potentially be small as possible.

In Part I, I show how I take Mohs layers, removing skin cancer and actually looking at the tissue and checking all the edges for any skin cancer under the microscope, while the patient waits. When I determine that the margins of the tissue are free of skin cancer, then I can repair the defect.

Part 2 shows me repairing the defect created on the right side of my patient’s nose, using an advancement flap.

Thank you for watching!!

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