IM TERRIFIED…and how I”m coping and tips for you too

In the last week, I experienced a lot of stress and anxiety. At 38 weeks pregnant, having extreme insomnia, watching the news like crazy, running a business, and losing my savings in the stock market all at the same time spiked my stress levels to an all-time high.

I wanted to share with you how I felt, and 5 ways I’m getting through it.
Also, at Banish, we are still shipping! Here is what we are doing to help:

1. For every order purchased through Banish, we are donating to the World Health Organization (WHO)

2. CONTEST: We’re very fortunate at @banishacnescars we are still being able to ship your orders. On the bright side, you can take this time to #selfcareathome. However, I’ve wanted @banishacnescars to be more than just a SKINCARE brand. We are not about just your skin, we care about you showcasing your strength!

We thought about what we can do with our #BanishArmy to help.

1. For every order placed, we will be donating to the World Health Organization (WHO). Every little bit will help a long way, and these funds will be given to research and medical equipment.
2. The best thing we can do is #stayhome! In order for us to spread the word to #stayhome, we are launching a #selfcareathome contest! It’s a great way to share different ways how we are prioritizing #selfcareathome
We will have 5 $200 Banish Gift Card Winners and 1 $500 Banish Gift Card winner.
Super easy to enter: all y’all gotta do is
1. Film a 1-2 min vid of how you #selfcareathome
2. Incorporate @banishacnescars in it somehow. It doesn’t have to be using the product, be creative!
3. Make sure to tag #selfcareathome and tag @banishacnescars so we see your entries!

We already got a few entries! We will be posting the winners of the entries Monday-Friday on our Instagram account.

Some things for the Banish Army to think about:

I’m soooo happy my city and state are on lockdown. I was trying to preach this beforehand, and I’m so glad the government has done something about this. The sooner we get on lockdown, the sooner this virus is contained and the sooner we can continue living our daily lives.

My due date is in a couple of weeks and while I was scared about this a few weeks ago, I’m surprisingly calm right now. I understand our health care system is at an all-time capacity, and I trust that whatever happens will be meant to happen. Even if the hospital only allows me in the hospital room, or if I’ll be forced to have an at-home birth, I know I and my baby will be strong enough to get through whatever life faces us. My dad joked we should name our daughter Corona… #grandpajokes

The stock market keeps plunging and I keep seeing red. At first, it was so scary. Then I got used to it and all I can think about is that it’s just money, and money only has meaning when you give it meaning. I’m confident that the markets will go up, that we’ll go back to work in a month or two (Apple stores in China have all reopened), and life will continue. This will be a learning experience for all of us. The government will have stricter protocols for future epidemics and this will simply be a chapter in history books for future generations to read about.

Speaking of future generations: This got me thinking about what previous generations went through. Grandparents were part of WWII. Grandfathers risked their lives in war, grandmas had to fend for their families, not knowing if or when their partners would come back. My grandparents/parents lived through the Great Chinese Famine, which killed 45M people. Even my mom mentioned that when she was pregnant with me, food was rationed and meat and eggs were a delicacy. Our grandparents had to go through the 1918 flu, WWI, and The Great Depression all in one generation. WOOOZIE!

Which made me realize how important it is to protect our elders for all the sacrifices they’ve made for us. The older generations sacrificed so much of their health, safety, and freedom in order to give us everything we have today. If there’s any way you can help your elders, please make time to do so.

AND… what we are doing at Banish:
-Banish is operating as usual and as of writing this, there are no delays in your orders/products.

To our Banish Army and Banish soldiers. You are stronger than you ever know. Focus on gratitude and how you can help others in this time of need (without meeting them in person).

Face the world with confidence! (even indoors)

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The Armory

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