Have you ever noticed that no matter how many ab workouts you do you still have that stubborn pouch of belly fat?

I use to get frustrated with how hard it was to get my belly fat to go down while the rest of me was pretty thin so I looked into belly fat to better understand what it is I’m dealing with because the best way to get rid of something is to know what causes it right?

So today I will talk about what belly fat is, its purpose, what can cause extra belly fat, and finally the best way to get rid of it! Did you know that there are three layers of belly fat? The 3 types of belly fat are visceral, intramuscular, and Subcutaneous.
Visceral fat is the deepest layer of fat and it goes around our organs. This type of fat feels firm and excess amounts of this type of fat can lead to health problems.

The middle layer is called intramuscular fat found in the abdominal muscles.
Superficial Subcutaneous Belly Fat is found right below the skin and the majority of it lies around the hips, thighs, and butt. This fat is the kind that’s very soft and pinchable. This fat is the 2nd most unhealthy to have excess amounts of.

What’s the purpose of belly fat?
Visceral Fat is there to protect and support the organs in your body so it is necessary to have some to even live. Intramuscular fat is the fat store that your body will feed upon when it needs more energy to function. Superficial Subcutaneous fat is there to transport oxygen to your skin and surrounding tissues. It also acts as a shock absorber to protect your skin from trauma. No matter what, as long as you’re alive you’ll always have some belly fat and we need fat to live but too much could ruin your figure and your health.

What causes belly fat?
People who have an apple-shaped body are more likely to gain weight around their belly. This is due to genetics. Belly fat is also controlled by hormones. When you have less estrogen and more testosterone in your blood, belly fat will distribute around your waist more, so as women get older they tend to gain more fat around their bellies.

Cortisol, which is a stress hormone, will also increase the amount of visceral fat on your belly.
Too much insulin produced by your body leads to more belly fat and insulin production increases when you’re aging or if your blood sugar level has a lot of high spikes.

Here are some tips to help you trim down the fat around your belly.
Dieting without exercising can still give you too much deep belly fat so you have to exercise! If you are only focusing on your abs, they’ll get stronger but it’s not enough to burn off the fat. You have to mix up your routine a bit. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 4 to 5 days a week and do some weight training 2 times a week. Weight training makes micro-tears in the muscle which will burn more calories when your body is healing the muscle. The increased activity will increase the calories you burn and soon enough your belly will get flatter and those abs will start showing,
You also need a good diet. Cut out high sugar foods, especially soda. People who drink a can of soda a day are more likely to have their waistline increase 5 times as quickly. It’s because the sugars in soda increase your appetite and excess sugar that isn’t used up by your body for the day it is stored as fat on your belly and thighs. Switch the sugary drinks with unsweetened teas like green tea, or plain old water.
Eat foods with healthy fats. Healthy fats include monounsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that people who ate foods rich in these fats didn’t gain any visceral fat. Sources for these fats include olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

Eat more protein! Protein can protect your body against insulin resistance and a study showed that women who stuck with a diet that was 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fats lots a lot more fat than women who had 16% protein, 55% carbs, and 26% fat. Good choices of protein are leaned fish, beans, leans meats, and nuts.

By following these exercise recommendations, dietary changes, and managing your stress, you should be able to see the fat disappear from your belly! Maybe you’ve been following a lot of tips to get rid of belly fat but you were missing a couple crucial pieces of advice. Remember to get your proteins, healthy fats, and keep motivated with your workout and the results will come. Not only will you look great, but you’ll be a lot healthier too.

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