Girl Chat: Growing Up “Ugly”

My skin has cleared up immensely and my scars are almost gone! This is what changed it:

From reading your messages and comments, I know there needs to be change. I was hesitant to do such a “raw” video, but if it helps one person, then it’s worth it for me.

We all feel ugly. We do, because makeup companies tell us we need to look a certain way in order to “fit in”. I love YOUTUBE because I am able to look like myself, just the way I was created, without feeling like I have to change anything about me.

You are BEAUTIFUL. Beauty=how you feel about yourself. That’s all it is. If you feel beautiful, you are beautiful. That’s why I love this quote,

“If you think you’re gorgeous, then you are. If not, chalk it up to a bad hair day and call yourself gorgeous anyway”.

If you do feel ugly, (as I have, for many many years) realize it’s only a phase and it will go away! Do whatever it is that makes you feel beautiful-whether it’s hanging out with positive people, doing a hobby you love, making Youtube videos, etc. do it because people will notice.

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Some vids that may help you lovely ladies out:
1. He’s too busy to pick up his damn phone

2. How to be happy!

3. How to get over your ex


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